
What are the safety considerations when working with solenoid valves?


The most obvious concern is the potential for a fire or […]

The most obvious concern is the potential for a fire or explosion. This can be particularly dangerous in a manufacturing environment as it can result in a plant shutdown or major financial implications for any losses.


However, there are many other safety issues that can impact the operation of a solenoid valve. For example, the temperature of the media and ambient air can affect the function of a solenoid valve. Sediment in the media can also restrict the movement of the armature tube and may cause coil failure.


A good way to minimise the risk of this happening is to install the valve with the armature tube pointing upwards. This should prevent any sediment in the media from falling into the tube.


Check the type and pressure rating of the valve to ensure it is suitable for your application. This will help ensure that the solenoid valve can withstand the maximum pressure of the fluid it is controlling and a minimum of the ambient pressure.


Choose the right size of solenoid valve for your application, as the smaller the orifice size the lower the Cv factor. This is a ratio of the gallons per minute (gpm) required by the media to be controlled by the valve.


The coil on a solenoid valve should be installed correctly, with the inlet port connected to the upstream flow and the outlet port connected to the downstream flow. Some will be marked with an arrow on the body to indicate the direction of flow.

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